Home > Blog > Skip Juice Cleanses and Detox Plans, Opt for a Healthy Diet Instead
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By Kristi Friesen, Project Open Hand Registered Dietitian

With all the detox plans and juice cleanses being advertised, it’s easy to get confused about what your body really needs. Juice cleansing is now a multi-billion dollar market full of promises yet low in one important part of nutrition- real food! 

Juice is not a whole food. When you run a fruit or vegetable through a juicer, the fiber is removed, along with some of the nutrients. Juicing breaks down the cell walls of the fruits and vegetables, exposing their contents to air and oxidation, and need to be consumed as soon as possible to reap the full benefits. Removing the fiber also means the natural sugar found in the fruits and veggies will enter the bloodstream much quicker than when in whole form, and may spike blood glucose levels. This is not to say that juice can’t be a part of a healthy diet - but rather that it should not replace one.

Our kidneys, liver, skin, digestive system and even our lungs function to detoxify our bodies.  As long as you keep these organs healthy, there’s no need to do a detox diet. Rather than practicing a short term restrictive diet, focus on overall changes in eating patterns that support these organs long term.

The liver is the main organ that processes the nutrients from food, toxins from the environment, and alcohol. Detoxification is done in the liver in two steps.  In the first phase harmful chemicals are changed into less harmful ones. This chemical process creates free radicals that require antioxidants to reduce them.

Antioxidants (beta carotene, vitamin C and E, and selenium) are found in a variety of foods such as carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, tomatoes, garlic, and peppers.

In the second phase of detoxification, the liver adds a substance that makes these chemicals water soluble so that our body can eliminate them.  Foods rich in sulfur compounds are needed for this phase. A few examples include eggs, chicken, fish, garlic, onions, broccoli, cauliflower, leeks and avocados.

Your body does not need a “detox diet” or juice cleanse! Rather, focus on eating habits that will support your body and immune system. How to do this?

  • Don’t skimp on the vegetables and fruits. Aim for at least 2 cups of them every day.
  • Eat plenty of whole grains and dried beans.
  • Limit processed snack foods, white breads and pastas.
  • Eat lean proteins like chicken, fish, tofu and eggs most often.
  • Hydrate often with water.



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