Hara Hachi Bu translates to “eat until you are 80% full,” and is a conscious way to practice calorie control. Another way to think about it is to eat until you are no longer hungry, rather than eat until you feel full.
We have a bad habit in the United States of overeating. While it is absolutely important to eat enough calories, eating too much can also cause health problems. If you are not sure if you are eating enough calories every day, check in with your health care provider to determine what a healthy intake is for you.
Where did this idea come from? This practice is common in the traditional Okinawa diet in Japan, where many people live to be over 100 years old. Okinawans are said to be some of the healthiest people on the planet!
How do I know when I’m 80% full? It takes time to reset the muscle memory of the stomach to get used to eating less food, and may take about 15-20 meals of conscious effort to notice. Many of us do know that if we eat until we feel full, 20 minutes later we feel stuffed.
Try eating just half of what you normally eat and then checking in to see how your body feels. Once you begin to feel any stomach pressure, you’re at the 80% full stage and should put down the fork. Rather than sticking to portion sizes, this approach focuses on listening to how your body feels when you eat a meal, and encourages an intuitive relationship between your mind and your stomach.
Other factors that contribute to longevity of the centurions in Okinawa:
- A diet full of whole grains, fish and vegetables and light on meat, dairy, and sweets
- Drink green tea daily
- A low stress lifestyle
- The Japanese have strong family ties, and care for and respect their elders
- High levels of physical activity
- Forgo the “all-you-can-eat-buffet” mentality
Consider including Hara Hachi Bu in your lifestyle, and see if it works for you.