Community Nutrition Program
Please click here for the latest information on our currently open Community Nutrition Program Sites
About CNP
Since 1998, Project Open Hand has served nutritious meals - breakfast and lunch - to San Francisco older adults and adults with disabilities at 11 community sites located across San Francisco.
Many of our dining locations offer daily social and educational activities, including nutrition classes, bingo, arts and exercise. Project Open Hand's nutritious meals and community site activities can improve health outcomes by lowering risks for disease, depression, and cognitive decline.
Older adults (60 years or older) and adults with disabilities (18-59 years old) are eligible for the Community Nutrition Program.
Meals are provided on a first come, first serve basis.
CNP Clients
If you are already a CNP client, please access the client site here
CNP Menus
View our monthly menu here
CNP Client Intake
If you or someone you know, who is a San Francisco resident, is interested in receiving nutritious meals with the Community Nutrition Program, please
complete this intake form and email it to [email protected]. Chinese and Spanish intakes are available upon request.
Comments? Questions?
If you have feedback regarding our program, meals or service, please complete this comment card and email it to [email protected]. Chinese and Spanish comment cards are available upon request
For more information and to find a Community Nutrition location near you:
- View Community Nutrition locations
- Call (415) 447-2379
- Email [email protected]
AWD Home Delivered Meals
The Adults with Disabilities Home Delivered Meal Program is available for adults with disabilities who have no meal support and are unable to provide meals for themselves. The program provides nutritious meals to low-income disabled adults between the ages of 18 and 59 who would be at risk without a home delivered meal and/or have difficulty accessing nutritionally balanced meals on a daily basis.
AWD HDM Eligibility
To see if you are eligible for this program, please call the DAS Hub at (415) 355-6700, (800) 510-2020 or via email at [email protected].
Once eligibility is confirmed, DAS will partner with us at Project Open Hand to provide at-home meal delivery services and our AWD HDM Outreach Specialist will contact you to begin services with us.
The Community Nutrition and the AWD HDM Programs are administered by Project Open Hand and funded in part by the City of San Francisco’s Department of Disability and Aging Services.