Any San Francisco resident who is an older adult (60 years or older) or an adult with disabilities (18 – 59 years old) is invited to join us for breakfast and lunch at community sites located across the city of San Francisco, CA. Community Nutrition Program.
Project Open Hand provides services to Medi-Cal members that are eligible for CalAIM Community Supports. Individuals are eligible for CalAIM Community Supports services if they have one of the health plans listed below and a chronic condition(s) such as but not limited to diabetes, cardiovascular disorders, congestive heart failure, stroke, chronic lung disorders, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), cancer, gestational diabetes or other high-risk perinatal conditions, and chronic or disabling mental/behavioral health disorders. See below for referral forms which outline specific eligibility criteria or contact your health insurance plan for more information.
Eligible Medi-Cal Health Plans:
- San Francisco County - Anthem Blue Cross and San Francisco Health Plan
- Alameda County - Alameda Alliance for Health
- Contra Costa County - Contra Costa Health Plan
Project Open Hand's Wellness Program is available to residents of San Francisco and Alameda County who are eligible based on the primary diagnoses listed below. If you do not have an eligible diagnosis, please review the information above to determine if eligible for our Community Nutrition Program or CalAIM Community Supports Program. Eligible diagnoses (effective 01/08/24) include:
San Francisco County
- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
- Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)
- Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)
- Type 2 Diabetes, with an HbA1c of 8.0% or above
- End Stage Renal Disease
- Recent major surgery, within 30 days of discharge (6-week service)
Alameda County
- HIV/AIDS- new clients will be waitlisted, effective 09/01/23
- Recent major surgery, within 30 days of discharge (6-week service)
How to Apply
Step 1: Client must have an eligible diagnosis.
Step 2: A licensed medical provider must fill out and sign the appropriate application below. This can be: RN, NP, MD, DO, RD or RDN, LCSW or PA. The client’s verbal consent on the application is OK.
San Francisco County Application
Alameda County Wellness Application Form
Alameda Alliance for Health Referral Form
Anthem Community Supports Referral Form
San Francisco Health Plan Community Supports Referral
(Note Project Open Hand on the application above for referral to our services)
Step 3: Client or provider sends in application via fax, email, mail, or in person. All relevant information is on the application.
- San Francisco and Alameda Wellness applications - Send to Project Open Hand using contact information on the application.
- Community Supports applications - Submit to the appropriate health plan using the contact information on the Alameda Alliance, Anthem, or San Francisco Health Plan applications. For Contra Costa Health Plan, visit the provider portal to submit:
Step 4: Project Open Hand's Client Services will evaluate eligibility and contact the client to set up services if eligible. If the client is not eligible, Client Services will contact the referring party.
Client Privacy Policy
2024 Project Open Hand HIPAA Policy - English