Home > Blog > James' Story: The Healing Power of Good Nutrition
Volunteers in San Francisco at the Grocery Center

For people living with critical illnesses, good nutrition is often an essential component of their medical treatment. But for many Project Open Hand clients, affording healthy food can be difficult, especially if they become too ill to work and struggle to make ends meet.

“Without Project Open Hand, I’d be eating a lot more junk food because it’s much more affordable than healthy food,” said James, who receives nutritious meals and groceries from our organization. The food he receives helps him to eat better and stick to his treatment plan.

James has been HIV positive since the early 1980s and successfully managed his symptoms for many years. He was working at Pacific Bell in 2004, when his health took a turn for the worse. “My immune system just crashed, and I got pretty sick,” James said. “My T-cells plummeted, and I had to stop working. I knew I needed to do everything I could to get well.”

James’ doctor not only prescribed new medications, but also referred him to Project Open Hand for nutrition services.

“Getting healthy, wholesome food from Project Open Hand helps me eat better and feel better,” James said.

I’m so thankful that Project Open Hand has been here for me and for others who are sick.

James also credits Project Open Hand for helping boost his spirits when days were dark. “It has been a very humbling experience – to go from making a good salary to receiving disability [income] and not having enough money to make it through the month. When I was going through depression and losing sleep for days, getting a meal from Open Hand was the motivation I needed to fight this disease for another day.”

James’ health is on the upswing lately. His T-cell count is in the 300s, and he’s feeling a lot better because he’s eating right. His favorite meals are “Beef Stroganoff and Egg Noodles” and “Tex Mex Chicken Breast.” (Click on the recipe names to make James’ favorites at home.)


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